
Day 26 - My Week In Great Detail

  • Monday - Went to the office, found out that my supplier was kinda upset with the couch review. he warned me that the maximum changing of size could only be 3 times, and i already had 2 of them. Today i lit up my "saving" as well.
  • Tuesday - Went to the office with bad mood. went home at 5 and just tried to kill my time by watching Sex And The City season 3
  • Wednesday - this was the worst! i woke up with bad mood (period time) and i realized i would have a meeting with my supplier, and i was so afraid he was going to snap at me. honestly i almost cry to this, because i was so mad. the size change wasn't my idea at all. my job was only to draw the technical drawing, it's all my boss' idea to change the main size.
  • Thursday - I took a day off. i decided i need a day off to finish all my assignment, and my office wasn't a good environment to do such thing. i ordered in Oenpao at night. Hainan Duck Rice and Hakau.
  • Friday - i only stayed at the office until 12 o 'clock, then my mom picked me up.
  • Saturday - completely done with my PRA TA. Went to the movie with my brother to watch Iron Man 2. i didn't have any comment for this movie.
  • Sunday - done with my internship report. can't wait for the particular thing to end as well. 22 more days.

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