to this shit that's been bugging me. what's wrong with the word "nyusul"?? anyone? just because it happens so fast in your life, doesn't mean those people (including me) that's not even close to walk down that aisle are picky. and of course we're okay. and no, we're not waiting for the 'left-overs'. so, thanks for nothing.
Yeah kalo di kawinan gua suka ketemu sodara yg nanya, "kapan nyusul?" atau "you're next!"
Mereka berhenti nanya kayak gitu setelah gua menanyakan hal yg sama pada mereka disaat sedang melayat orang meninggal =)
hhhhhmmmm... heran gw sama kebiasaan orang Indonesia yang punya mulut kelewat usil.
maksudnya basa basi, tapi ujung2nya bikin emosi.. :(
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