
My update.

i recently focusing on some stuffs. and they are:

  • technical drawing for my final project
  • the report for the same shit
  • 3D modeling for it as well
  • and of course, MOCK -UP

yesterday a "friend" sent me a text message consists of--more or less--this "lit, the final drawing, technical, 3D and so on those supposed to be o n A1 papers right? and how many mock ups DID you made?? 2??" as if she's done with everything and ready to hand out everything to my--our--counselor  next monday. 
i'm not there yet actually. i do a little this and that every day, but don't worry i promised myself i won't make the same mistakes i made on my 2nd preview. this time i'm gonna be ready, not gonna look stupid, won't stuttered and i'll get enough sleep a week before the final preview (sidang). 

5 more weeks!! i think i have enough time to finish it all (trying to keep an optimist thoughts in my head)!!

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